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Concerning Home Church part 3

This is the final conclusion of the little series I have about home churches. This is the third part. If you'd like to see the first, CLICK HERE or the second, CLICK HERE. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope it has only encouraged you to feel comfortable with home churches. It seems new and radical to many of us, yet I am here to prove that it is very old, but yes, still radical! Hah!

I am also recommending two books that are really informative and interesting concerning churches and "organized" religion. One is called Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola and the other one is called Beyond Radical. It shows a historical depth of how each organized section of church originated, and it's true origins. Very eye opening.

Here, I begin and conclude with this:

Who is the Body of Christ?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Key Points:

-There is one body, many members, different purposes.
-Jew, Gentile, Bond, Free, ALL in one Spirit.
-Each member needs to contribute, all is necessary.
(have churches become a one man show?)
-Members are to care for one another and suffer with one another.
-Each member has a gift from God to contribute.

*Question: Did God reveal his Word to one man to write one book, or many men into 66 books for the Bible?

"Now ye are the Body of Christ and members in particular." 1 Corinthians 12:27

"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?" 1 Corinthians 3:16

The Body of Christ needs to be a living sacrifice, holy and unconfirmed to this world. Read Romans 12:1-2.

There is ONE body, not by denomination or building. Read Ephesians 4:4-6.

"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in the breaking of bread and in prayers." Acts 2:42.


  1. Andrea said...
    Thank you for the book suggestions. May GOD bless you on your journey.
    Lady Jess said...
    Yes, 'Beyond Radical' is a GREAT book. I'll see if I can get a hold on the other one. Thank you for sharing these truths with everyone!
    Sisterlisa said...
    All are a part of the body. I used to think we should stay in one 'church' but when we realize the Body is all over town, we really limit ourselves in The Body as a whole. To be 'one denomination minded' seemed to really make us appear arrogant. As if all the other 'churches' were wrong somehow. That is not healthy for The Body. My husband and I have traveled to different fellowships and found spectacular Christians with different gifts that when all combined could do miraculous things for the Lord. We pray that our open home fellowship will pave the way for many of these believers to come together and help others together as a fitly framed together Body.
    Anonymous said...
    Insightful post, I wish it wasn't the last one though :( *sigh*

    Don't come a'blamin' me when your books go missing the next time I visit :D
    Sisterlisa said...
    Martha, do you want to read Beyond Radical? I can send it to you if you promise to send it back.
    Theresa said...
    I recommend you also read Reimagining Church by Frank Viola because it goes beyond just "such and such is wrong" or "such and such is not what God intended" and talks more about the nuts and bolts as well of the heart of who the church is and what it is not, joining together with other Believers and God's bigger purpose in Eternity (which Frank expounds on in the book you are currently reading). I haven't read Beyond Radical, but I did read Pagan Christianity. I think if I was goign to recommend to someone a book about home churching and they were only going to read one, it would be Reimagining. I can't wait until I can afford the one you are reading too. It is fascinating to read him because he brings up a lot of ideas that I have thought about but have not ventured to say out loud! My Husband and I are currently praying about how God will have us respond to this new information. I am so glad that you already have a group there!
    Miss Charlene said...
    Thanks for recommending "Reimagining Church" by Frank Viola! I haven't read it yet but the more I hear about it, the more I'd like to! I'll add it to the list of recommendations, thanks!
    Sisterlisa said...
    I found another verse today about the Body!
    1 Cor 3:9, "For we together are God's laborers: ye are God's husbandry, and God's building."

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