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Hi everyone!! I am back! I got the internet turned on today! I was having problems with several internet providers and finally, my brother in law helped me find internet. Praise the Lord! I missed all of you and can't wait to catch up with everyone! Missed you all a LOT!

A lot has happened during those past few months! I can't even explain all of them at once, so I will over time what I have been learning. I can only describe it as a revelation. I've taken some steps that have helped me draw closer to God and understand his Word better! I am thankful he has answered my prayers for his truth to be clear to me.

Ive also changed directions in my life, seeking His leading. I have finally found a release from my decision to try to reconcile with my ex husband. I sought God deeply for these several months and wanted his will to be done. I was willing to do whatever he wanted me to do. Finally, I felt a release about a month ago and the verse of 1 Corinthians 7:15 was given to me several times in one day. I heard the verse before, but it was made manifest to me at that moment. It was hard to go through that, most definitely, and to go back to the past and face all these things, but if anything, it brought me great peace! Not only did I forgive, but I finally forgot. The resentment was gone and now there was friendship and respect. We also agreed to end the court nightmare and to work on making decisions about our children on our own. That is a miracle.

And there is someone I am seeing now who has been amazing to me for a long while. We have so much in common and we're going on the same road. He's been my wonderful friend and there are so many things about him that I adore. He makes me happy. We're just beginning our new affection for each other. I feel blessed with him.

And my faith and walk with God has been making some turns into some directions I have only recently discovered. I can't wait to write all about it! I will write several sections about these things. There's an overwhelming amount of things, so I will do it gradually and slowly.

I love you all and missed you all! So glad to be back online!!! _\m/

Love, Charlene


  1. Krystal said...
    What a tease!!!

    I want DETAILS.





    It's so good to have you back!

    Love and hugs!!!


    Excuse me...

    Judy said...
    So glad you're back. I'm glad you've been continuing your walk with God and learning more every day.
    Anonymous said...
    It is great to see you back online ;) I am relieved that Adam was able to make it work (wipes forehead)

    Do you know what I forgot?!? MY Tres Hombres burrito, I am still banging my head from that LOL

    You owe me another watered down vanilla iced coffee from Mickey D's :P

    Can't wait to see you posting again, oh show us your ways oh wise one!

    <3 Martha
    Sisterlisa said...
    LOL Krystal, Her beau reads her blog. (giggle) Not sure how many details she will share so openly. :O)

    And I'll bet he'll be happy to see this post.

    ((waving hi to him)) ;O)
    John said...
    Haha, hi Lisa! Oh I'm happy about everything that's going on. The happiest man on the planet. :D
    Unknown said...
    I've been missing you girl! So glad to see your back online. Looking forward to hearing what God is doing in your life.
    Beth in NC said...
    Welcome back!!!

    I'm so glad that God has given you peace about your "ex" and that He is guiding you towards your future. That is wonderful news to hear.

    Fill us all in ... And to think, Martha didn't tell us ANYTHING about the good news! How rude.

    Happy Sunday Charlene!
    Anonymous said...
    @Beth :o) my sister didn't even tell ME!! (folds arms) let's throw tomatoes at her, the kind with worms in it :)
    Beth in NC said...
    How rude of Charlene! Oh well Martha, what shall we do with her? ;o)

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