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From My Heart to New Mothers.

I wanted to share a personal story with other struggling mothers about how hard it can be to find out when you're pregnant, and that I understand. I was there once before in that same boat.

My husband at that time and I were having problems and our marriage was falling apart. He had left. One week later, I was visiting my sister's house and thought it'd be fun to try her pregnancy test. It was sitting there on the bathroom sink so I was tempted. I couldn't believe it when it was positive! I ran to my family and screamed that it was positive!

Being pregnant is beautiful and it is a blessing. There is something about a pregnant woman that everyone finds beautiful. She has a glow. There's no feeling like it in the world when there's a baby that is moving inside your belly. All those hopes and dreams lie ahead of you and we fix up the nurseries and pick out little pajamas and booties.

That's the way it should be. However, there are hard times and hard situations that we find ourselves in. Being pregnant while getting divorced is one thing. That was definitely not easy because I found myself alone, going through a terrible heart break, and fighting to survive financially on my own. My relatives and a few friends suggested that I get an abortion. To them, it was the perfect solution and the easy way out.

But, I just couldn't. I just couldn't do that. God creates life. Life has a purpose. Life DOES begin at conception. God plants life inside of us and it's a soul. We are a mother when we are pregnant because this tiny little life already depends on us for everything. I saw an ultrasound of my baby and he was wiggling his little fingers. I told the nurse he was signing at me in sign language :)

I know some of you reading this may be caught in a hard situation. Maybe you're scared. Maybe you think you're all alone. You're not. There is a way. There are people who want to help you. God is with you and so is that little angel inside of you. It may seem like a hard road now, but when you see your child for the first time and hold your baby in your arms, it will be the most beautiful thing you have ever experienced. We become a mother so naturally even if we have never experienced being with babies before!

Maybe you're a young mom and feel like you're not ready. I was pregnant at 19 with my first child. People said my life was over, but that wasn't true. I got to be a kid again with my child and to me, there was so much purpose in my life as a mother. I didn't feel robbed of anything, but I felt like I gained SO much from it instead!

To me, both the moments that I held both my boys for the very first time was the most memorable time of my entire life! It was all the Christmases and Disneyland in the world combined in one moment! There was a sunrise in my life that day and I found joy. I realized God had a present inside of us waiting for the right moment to bring SUCH joy in our lives no matter how things may seem now.

And now I can't imagine life without my Brady! I am so glad I didn't go through with an abortion. I can tell you now that it IS worth it.

Right now, go find the right people who will care for you and support your decision to keep your child. There are many resources that can help you financially (WIC, Welfare, SSi (emergency Medical), and tons of programs that help with baby clothes and food!) Remember, God is with you and will never forsake you. You are not alone.


  1. Sisterlisa said...
    My sister was urged to get an abortion too, and I'm so glad she didn't. She has a wonderful little boy that is now 5 1/2 and is adorable! God will lead young ladies to the help and support he wants them to have. I'm glad you kept Brady too. He is SUCH a doll!
    Krystal said...
    You are so right... the moment when you first hold your little one, your little bundle of perfection in your arms, is just... it's almost too awesome to even put words to.

    There are so many women like you... who are facing divorce, tough times, etc., who still choose life. The very nature of our God is life.

    Therefore, isn't it always the best choice? Life.

    Anonymous said...
    I'm so glad that I found your blog! You are such a great encouragement. Our family has experienced difficult times financially recently, but how glorious it is to experience Him to the fullest. Bless you!
    SuperAngel said...
    This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing from your heart! I can't wait to be pregnant and have my little blessings! what a joy!

    I featured you in this week's Feelin' Feminine Super Simple Spiritul Sunday links: :)
    LisaShaw said...
    I cried reading this beautiful testimony from your own life but also an awesome encouragement to other young ladies and women. May God use your words to bring about change and cause LIFE to be considered not as a choice but as a gift from GOD which is what it is.

    I love you and your heart. I read often although I don't always comment. You're a special person and some day perhaps I will be able to share all the reasons why but for please know that I pray for you and your boys OFTEN.

    Lisa Shaw

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