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Should We Take Any Credit?

I was having a discussion with my sister this morning over coffee. I brought up one thing has bothered me before and I've seen it happen in some places that I've been. I've sat in churches and watched people keep score on how many "souls they've won" that day, week or year. They also say that "I've led this person to the Lord," or "I got this person saved today." I started realizing more and more over time that we really have nothing to do with getting a person saved.

Note:I want to make it clear that I am not writing so that we may do nothing, but to fully grasp that it is all from God, his power and not of ourselves. We seek to earn points of righteousness, or take credit for a person's salvation. Is it really ours to begin with?

Here's a short passage from the Bible that reveals how it works.

"I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase." 1 Corinthians 3:6,7

Who can really keep score or take credit for a person's salvation? Only God. We never actually lead anyone to the Lord. God has spent their entire lives leading them to this point. It's a humbling privilege when the Lord brings his lost and seeking sheep to speak to us about Him. But we are only a tool that God decides to use.

There are also programs in churches called "soulwinning." It reminds me of a contest or a game. There are also classes offered to help us become skilled soulwinners. Do we really need a class to teach us how to sell Christ to people? It seems manipulative. Isn't Christ and all he has to offer sufficient in itself alone? I took that class once and I thought it was no different than my public speaking and business classes at a public college.

Were the disciples bible college graduates? Were they skilled public speakers that went soulwinning in a suit with a Bible under their arm? None of them were. The Bible says they were uneducated, lowly fishermen who spoke with such power that those who heard knew they were with Jesus. That's the power of God and He will lead us to stand and speak for Him.

"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13

We may say awesome things, but we will never be able to save that person. That is because only God's Spirit is able to transform and turn their hearts. We may knock on a thousand doors, but unless God destined us to meet that person, we will never save anyone. Ever notice that when a person is saved, their hearts have already been changing in the palm of God's hands? He then brings them to their knees.

Let us rejoice with God as he rejoices in the presence of His angels!

"Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." Luke 15:10

So, should we take any credit? No. We'll be laying our crowns at His feet at the end. That's because we'll know it was Him all along. Glory to our King!


  1. Sisterlisa said...
    Beautifully written Charlene. God did all the work, we just happened to be there when it happens.
    Heart2Heart said...

    I would agree with you that the only credit should be given to God. It is only by His grace that they are saved. Too often some of these "Soulwinners" become so obsessed with their purpose that they scare some people off. I am dealing with that very situation from someone we know that is completely turned off from God based on his perceptions of how Christians act. He has a very bitter taste from a bad experience and we are determined to show him a different side, pray for Him and let him come to us when he is ready if it's Gods will for us to be the ones to lead him to the Lord.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat
    Monica said...
    I ♥ your blog! Oh, btw I awarded you!
    christy rose said...
    Amen! All of our works will go through the fire and the only ones that will come out as pure gold are the ones that were empowered by the Holy Spirit, so we get to take no credit anyways. Then we will lay all those awards at the feet of Jesus because it is only because of Him that we are even able to be used as a vessel for His glory anyways.
    Great post Charlene!
    Martha said...
    Amen to that!! So many people perceive soulwinning as a contest, the winner is the one who nabs the most :o) it is stressful and they bang on people's doors in order to meet a quota, most people can see their true agenda!

    I pray that the Lord will use me as a vessel, that he will lead me to the right person during the right time. If God uses me to save only one person during my life on earth, then my life was not a waste! :)
    Martha said...
    Psst, I luv your new layout! Now you have Martha's ADHD when it comes to blog templates :B
    Beth in NC said...
    Charlene!!! You're back! Yay! You're right in this post. God have mercy on us if WE EVER try to receive any glory for what HE does.

    Bless you dear!
    Lady Jess said...
    Great post, Charlene! Ha ha, Monica! I awarded you too Charlene! :P Probably the same one. :B
    Melinda Lancaster said...
    Hi Charlene:
    This is my first visit to your blog and it was an absolute blessing.
    There are so many things that we should NOT take credit for that we have a tendency to. Not only is it wrong--it grieves God.
    Thanks for sharing with us the very powerful reminder that all that we do is Him working in and through us!
    God bless you!
    Deborah Ann said...
    High Five, Kudos, Right On! I so agree with you. It feels so good to take a deep breath, and stand out of the way so God can do something.

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