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Falling in Love with Him

I noticed that during the past few days, I have been SO busy! I have been staying up late and sleeping past my devotional times with the Lord. I am behind on reading the Bible and praying. Now I am finding myself too busy to spend time with God. It happens so easily! The world makes us so busy and time just seems to go by so fast. Soon we're too sleepy to finish a prayer and we tell God, "tomorrow, Lord, tomorrow."

Like every relationship we have, we need to spend quality time with that person. Husbands and wives need time alone to rekindle their love for each other. My two children need time alone with me individually. God also needs time alone with us like any relationship does. I want to apologize to God for being too busy for him.

God actually desires to have a relationship with us. It's amazing when we think about it... that the Almighty and All-powerful Creator of the Universe wants a relationship with us. He wants to be involved in our lives down to every tiny thing, to hear about our day, for us to come to him for help. I am in awe of him.

Why don't you let today be your day to fall in love with God all over again? He's the one we can fall in love with all over and over again. He never disappoints us. Let us seek after him and worship him today! Let's turn on some music, sing praises to him, medidate on a Bible verse today and say thank you Lord for everything beautiful you have made! If we do this, life will be so much better today. Guarateed.

"Hear, O LORD, and have mercy upon me: LORD, be thou my helper.
Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever." Psalm 30:10-12


  1. Sisterlisa said...
    Thank you for this Charlene. Just before I read your article I also read Lisa Shaw's article on being busy. Perfect timing for me to read both your blog and hers tonight. :O)
    CalvaryGirl said...
    Great article Charlene, thank you for sharing those thoughts with us.
    Anonymous said...
    Charlene, I found you via LisaB's blog. This is of course a message riddled with truth and it's a very encouraging reminder for us all. God bless. I'll have to visit again.


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