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My Prayer Drive

One of my favorite things to do is to take a prayer drive. I especially love to take those during the sunset in a summer evening, or during thunderstorms. I live on the outskirts of town and it's a quiet area by the mountains. I don't live very far from a road that has miles of endless fields and farms. I took some pictures with my phone so the quality isn't very good. These pictures only give a glimpse of the vivid colors of the skies, the vast and endless fields, the cows and horses grazing the grass, and the magical feel of old, rugged barns. I recommend taking prayer drives because it is such a rich way to worship our Saviour while being in awe of his creation and wonder.


  1. Theresa said...
    Beautiful! Thanks for giving us a peek!
    Pilar said...
    Wow, what a blessing to live in a place that has so many beautiful paths.

    Do you take your kids in those prayer drives or do you have someone to watch them?
    Judy said...
    That sounds great. While driving to Omaha I couldn't help but notice all the scenery and be in awe of God.
    Beth in NC said...
    Beautiful Charlene!
    Today's Christian Mom~ said...
    peaceful pictures! My ex says the same thing, let the kids believe what they of the many reasons he is my ex.
    Lady Jess said...
    Awww, how cool is that?
    Sisterlisa said...
    I love these scenes too.
    Heart2Heart said...
    What an interesting thing to begin doing. I often will retreat to a mountain location overlooking a valley. Take my Bible out and let God begin to speak to me.

    These moments are ones I truly treasure. Thanks for sharing yours.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat
    Monica said...
    Charlene that is just beautiful! I should go on a walk of something because we don't live far from that either!
    Miss Charlene said...
    Pilar, my kids go with me every time. We always stop at a gas station for a drink before we go, and then we open all the windows in our van to feel the wind. I tell them that God painted a picture in the sky, and decorated the Earth for us. It's fun to show them the wonders of God and his creation :)
    Unknown said...
    Great idea! I also like to take a stroll around our yard (I live in the country)and breathe in the cool, fragrant air. This is a great way for me to unwind and praise the Lord.
    christy rose said...
    That is a wonderful idea! And, your pictures are great!
    Taking your kids and sharing that experience is even more amazing!
    LisaShaw said...
    Beautiful message and photos. I both prayer walk and prayer drive.

    God's blessings...
    Anonymous said...
    What a great idea - thanks for sharing! :)

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