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to be Healthy.

Hi everyone!

I need your help! I decided yesterday that I am tired of eating junk food. I eat a huge bag of candy corn every week and I've been buying liters of cola often amongst other junk. I have been neglecting my health and even went to the hospital recently because of dehydration. That was over a month ago and I have not changed any habits. I know need to.

I am finally fed-up because it doesn't feel healthy at all. I thought, well, I want to start serving more healthy meals and start working out to feel better. I also want my (two very picky) boys to learn to eat healthier too. I'd love if any of you guys could share some recipes that we could enjoy as a family (with kids in mind too). Any ideas would be awesome!

I appreciate it, thanks :) :)

Candy Corn, I love you but you're bad for me! Shoo!!


  1. Krystal said...
    I've just recently started doing something on my blog called Tasty Tuesday where I post a recipe. Today, I'm thinking about posting either Avocado Feta Salsa (which I ate for lunch!) or Sweet Potato Hash with Eggs and Fresh Tomato Salsa (as a breakfast recipe).

    I plan to post a new recipe every Tuesday, and I'll try to select my healthiest ones because this is an area that all of us (including me) can improve in.

    What kinds of dishes do you like? Do you need quick 30-minute meals? Do you have a slow cooker? Do you and the boys like casseroles? Is budget-friendly a priority?

    Anonymous said...
    Candy corn is really flavored ear wax, O_0
    Miss Charlene said...
    oo, I'm excited that you have a Tasty Tuesday thing on your blog! I'll definitely be checking it out. I just got a slow-cooker for the first time two weeks ago and haven't used it yet! We are flexible with how much time it takes because I know I need to be spending more time in the kitchen. I fell into a rut when I was not married anymore, and didn't have anyone to serve. Kids just wanted kiddy food and I created some awful habits. I want to fix that!
    Krystal said...
    Okay... I just posted the hash recipe. It would be a great Saturday morning meal, but it can be eaten as lunch or a fun, out-of-the-ordinary dinner, too! has some good slow-cooker recipes. I don't use my slow-cooker all that much, but it is very convenient when I do use it.

    Hey Martha, are they harvesting all that yummy earwax from you? Ewww....

    Pilar said...
    The other day I wrote about me being tired of the same meals and for some comments of ladies telling me about some good web sites for recipes if you want to check it out.
    I also this blog where there are lots of recipes, but haven't had a chance to check it out much.
    I look at, They have lots of easy recipes.
    Last week I posted a recipefor shrimp calzones and am planning to also post one recipe a week.Let me know if you find some good ones :)
    Valerie Pilgreen said...
    I got tickled when I read your post, I thought I was reading about myself. I remember when my older 2 boys were young, in order to get them to eat veggies I had to put cheese on them. I am suprised they did not stay in a constant state of constipation. My second son (now 20) was here the other day with his girlfriend and her daughter, who did not want to eat broccoli, he simply said "put cheese on it, that will work". I almost cried, he remembered, he does not eat as many veggies as he should, but at least he does not require cheese anymore. As I strive to take better care of myself, I will lift you up in prayer, which reminds me, I need to go take my vitamins and drink my water.....
    Have a blessed day.

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