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As the New Year Approaches*

What a terriffic and busy week! SisterLisa and her family welcomed my family in sharing their traditions, meals and time together all week! It was a true blessing for us and I cherish their friendship a lot! I've been spending time yesterday and today in catching up on all my emails and everyone's blogs! Whew!

Now I can't believe it is almost 2009! I can remember 2007 and how I didn't want that year to end. Now 2008 is over already?? Wow.

2008 was a wonderful year for me. I grew more in God, started attending church more faithfully and tithing faithfully. That was a big improvement this year.

I graduated from college with an AS degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences!

I also grew closer to Lisa through the discipleship class and we became fast friends since. Her family has been a gift from God for us. She taught me a lot about how to be a Christian woman, how to be a better mom and how to be a good wife someday. They also helped us through financially difficult times and I am so thankful to them! _\m/

Lisa also invited me to join as a writer for in May and I enjoy it SO much! I joined the blogging world and found a passion in writing for the Lord.

We moved three times this year. I had to move out of our house because of financial changes and I wouldn't be able to afford it anymore. The apartment we moved into was a dangerous neighborhood and drug infested, so I thank God for bringing us to the apartment we have now! Praise the Lord!

I enjoyed a class at the Evening School of Bible at my church about Biblical Womanhood and I want to take more classes in 2009!

Now as I look forward to the new year, I want to make reasonable and specific goals. Here are my resolutions!


1. A stable schedule for teaching my kids everyday at home.

2. I want to establish a daily family devotional time.

3. I want to have a prayer list and to pray for others daily.

4. I want to reduce the amount of time I go to restaurants with my family and start cooking more often at home & learning more recipies.

5. I want to work on the new project my mom and I created, called
"Needles for the Needy" and raise enough blankets for the homeless (post coming soon!).


Have a Happy New Year everyone!!
May 2009 be bright and better than last year for all of you!
God bless!


  1. Anonymous said...
    I wish you luck on the upcoming year and I know you'll do well on achieving your goals!

    First off, it's RECIPES :P I've only told you this maybe 10 or 35 times LOL.

    If you need anybody to cook for, I'll be your first victim.. oops, I mean volunteer :)

    I'm glad to see you posting, wuv ya toots!
    Clara said...
    Those are wonderful resolutions :) The Lord bless you for your desire to serve Him and to raise your sons for Him. And thank you for your sweet friendship this year, it has been a true blessing - praise the Lord for His faithfulness and goodness to us! :)
    Krystal said...
    Charlene, have you ever heard of I get just about all of my recipes from there.

    When trying a recipe for the first time, you can read the reviews on what others have said about a particular recipe, and make any necessary improvements. It is my favorite website. Let me know if you visit it!

    I, too, had one of my greatest years of growth in the Lord in 2008. I plan to grow even more in 2009.

    Love and hugs for the new year! :)
    LisaShaw said...
    My dearest Charlene,

    In the short time I've read your blogs I've seen your heart for the LORD as you grow ever more deeply in grace. God has placed a beautiful woman of God [LisaB] over you as a mentoring covering. I'm sure you have and will continue to learn great Christ-centered lessons from her as a woman and a mom.

    The specific goals upon your heart are all wonderful. Pray and focus and remember to keep Jesus first and then all other things will fall into place.

    Bless you and your boys in Jesus Name and may 2009 find you receiving even greater favor unto the glory of our God.
    SuperAngel said...
    That is a great list! I too have become closer to SisterLisa and you and am soo blessed! you both are awesome! :)

    I am sure your goals will be met this year!

    Yes! I have wanted to learn SL since I was about 13, but never learned. I like to be taught the basics and I can usually pick up the rest. I do know the alphabet in SL though! :)
    HUGS and LOVE
    Miss Amanda
    The Daily Planet
    Sisterlisa said...
    LoL Martha! (victim) *giggle* Charlene does quite well. We cook a lot and we'd love to cook with you anytime. Jessica is enjoying her new cookbook! I'm sure she'll be sharing some things with you soon.
    Judy said...
    Charlene,what wonderful goals. It sounds like you have many christian friends who will be there encouraging you all the way. Sounds like you have been blessed greatly from just the last month or so since I started reading your blog.Thanks for reminding me I need to set down and think about my own goals for the year and pray that these go along with God's plans.

    It's amazing what God teaches us along life's journey.If I were just a better student.I'll just keep trying harder and walker closer to Him.

    I look forward to reading about your life, progress, and journey of faith.
    God's Girl said...
    Thanks for sharing all of your goals for 2008. I write a thank you letter to the Lord every year for the year.

    May God Bless you and continue to draw you closer and closer to Him!

    In quietness and trust is your strength!!!
    Forget Me Nots Design said...
    You have really had quite a year. I am looking forward to seeing how God works in your lives in 2009! (Theresa at Stitches of Grace)

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