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My Cup Runneth Over

Today, I was brought to the local fire department with my kids and Lisa's family. All I knew was that they were handing out toys and the media and santa was going to be there. There was a press confrence and we applauded for all the contributors. Suddenly, Scott got up and he talked about me. It all happened so fast and he said I got a new minivan! What?? And that the bags and bags of toys in the corner were all for my kids! What??

The media was there, the news channels and the newspaper people were there. Also, dozens of people were there. I was just in a DAZE and shock!! Am I dreaming? lol. I was asked some questions and I hope I gave good answers. I was like a kite flying high in the sky.

God has been SO good to me and my family!! The Bertolinis have been a Godsend to us too! My cup runneth over! I didn't have ANY money this month and we've been broke all month due to debt from the past. I have been three months behind on a loan. I only got the kids Spiderman slippers for Christmas that was 99 cents on Ebay. I felt awful not being able to get them more.

Now we have a car! With NO payments! Now we have food and toys for the boys! God ended this year with a BANG for us lol. I am very blessed! I do not deserve any of this, but I have a GREAT God who is merciful and loving. Thank you to everyone who helped us and you all are doing a wonderful thing helping so many families!!

"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Malachi 3:10

God has blessed me and there's no more room to receive it, that I have to open all the windows of my house because it's flowing!! I will never forget this day!!


  1. Clara said...
    that is so wonderful, Californialily... Thank the Lord for His blessings!
    Anonymous said...
    You're famous! Can I have your autograph? Nah I'll just sell your baby pictures on Ebay!!

    Charlene's sissy & sidekick, Martha
    Judy said...
    I rejoice with you. God is so good.He provides for us.That is a wonderful story. I love that verse in Malachi.
    Praise God!
    Sisterlisa said...
    Charlene, I can't tell you how much we appreciate you and the compassion you have toward others. Even when you have nothing for yourself, you find ways to give to others. God knows how much you love Him and He adores you! He is blessing you and I am truly honored to be able to be a witness to that.

    There is nothing that we do ourselves. My husband and I just pray for opportunities to help and He hands them to us. He funds every bit of it. We serve God and He blesses us with resources and funds that belong to Him in the first place.

    I have said before you are like an angel in my life and last night my husband watched the news and turned to me to say this,
    "Wow she really IS like an angel isn't she."

    You are blessed with God's grace and I am so humbled to be in your presence. You shine the Lord's love, compassion, mercy, and faith throughout your life. I have never been able to say that to anyone in my life. You are a genuine treasure to me and my family Charlene. You have no idea!
    Marlene said...
    Charlene,I saw you and little boys on News. My eyes were tears! That was a wonderful News! God is so Good! You are so blessing from God. I am so proud of you!
    SuperAngel said...
    I am so excited for you! my heart is overflowed with yours because you have been SOO blessed!
    God is watching out for you and He will provide!
    Love you Charlene!
    The Daily Planet
    John said...
    Well I can't say much more than was already said, but God has and continues to bless you! Of course, I'm still really really happy for you and the boys. :)
    Lady Jess said...
    Charlene, I am so happy that we have gotten to know you and your family more. You are such a blessing from God and I can tell that you have been in the Word as often as you can. Thank you and God bless!
    LisaShaw said...

    I cried tears of joy in celebration of the goodness of our GOD! I'm so happy for you and your beautiful boys and the LORD has truly used LisaB to be a blessing to your life.

    It's amazing that I popped over here to see this message Charlene because I just posted a message, "What's your name?" that deals with being named a "Giver" Well LisaB and her family are living examples in Christ! Praise the Lord.
    Monica said...
    You have such a sweet family Charlene and it is true that "God IS faithful and will help you in hard times":) I am so glad that you got a new car and more food that will last you at least a month :)
    Krystal said...

    You definitely gave better answers in your tv interview than I did in mine! HA!

    And, you said you don't deserve it... but I disagree! :)

    Celeste said...
    Wow! This is so awesome! I also disagree- you definitely DO deserve this, you silly. My mom ran in the kitchen this morning and said, Charlene is on the news! You looked beautiful as always, and so graceful. Merry Christmas, I bet Landon and Brady are so excited. Give them kisses for us.
    Anonymous said...
    You are truly blessed!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! God is good, isn't he!
    Sisterlisa said...
    Lisa Shaw, thank you for your kind words!
    SuperAngel said...
    believe me we felt left out when we didnt have the internet! :) Glad to be back!
    thanks for all your comments! love hearing from you!
    The Daily Planet
    Anonymous said...
    I am looking forward to reading more of your posts, I miss ya sissy!! So crack your knuckles *cracccccck* and get to typing!! (What do you think of Cody's new 'do in my most recent post?)

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